

At White Cliffs Primary and Nursery School, we believe that, through the study of geography, we can help our pupils understand the world in which they live through the ideas of place, space and environment. 

Through our geography curriculum we hope that pupils will understand their role within the world, by exploring locality and how people fit into a global structure. The subject also encourages children to learn through experience, particularly through practical and fieldwork activities. 

The geography curriculum is designed and constantly adapted to meet the needs and interests of all children from Nursery to Year 6. Within our EYFS settings, geography is taught through the area of 'Understanding the World' from Development Matters and is used to develop the idea of place and the local area. 

Within our geography teaching we develop the essential skills and understanding which are the building blocks for later life, such as increasing awareness, knowledge and understanding of other cultures and developing graphic skills, including how to use, draw and interpret maps.

We recognise and appreciate the importance of our local area and our curriculum provides a wealth of opportunities for children to be immersed and engaged in fieldwork, such as river dipping and observing life in the River Dour to visiting the White Cliffs to monitor and observe coastal erosion. These opportunities are carefully mapped across year groups to allow all children to develop an awareness of local environmental problems. Often these opportunities are supported by outside organisations and charities, such as Kent Wildlife Trust, White Cliffs Countryside Partnership and Global Action Fund. 

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Important Updates for 2024/25

This year the school are working towards achieving the Primary Geography Quality Mark at a Bronze Level. This is accreditation that celebrates all the incredible geography that is taught and the amazing experiences offered within the school. Throughout this year, lots of geography opportunities have been planned for all the children, these include working with local organisations on some very exciting projects. We are very excited to develop our geography curriculum further this year.


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