Nursery Funding for 3 & 4 year olds (FEEE)
The Nursery offers the funded 15-hour entitlement for parents of three- and four-year-olds (The Universal Entitlement) and the 30 hours entitlement for working parents of three- and four-year-olds (The Extended Entitlement) from the full term after their 3rd birthday. A child can start part way through a school term (known as a 'late joiner') if they are eligible and have not claimed their funding entitlement for the term elsewhere. The nursery is open 38 weeks per year, during term time only, in line with White Cliffs Primary and Nursery school term dates which are published annually.
Parents are required to sign the Parent Partnership Agreement with the nursery and complete the Parental declaration which gives the nursery permission to claim funding for their child.
Funding is offered in 3-hour blocks (8:45-11:45 or 12:15-15:15) and parents can flexibly choose up to 5 sessions to use their full 15 hours funding entitlement, depending on availability. If a parent would like their child to stay between 11:45-12:15 then this will be charged as a lunch club session, details can be found in our Charging and Remissions policy.
The nursery also offers completely free point of access 6-hour sessions for children accessing 30 hours funding. Parents of children claiming up to 30 hours can choose that their child attends 8:45-14:45 up to 5 days per week. If a parent would like their child to attend 14:15-15:15 then this will be charged as an extended day session, details can be found in our Charging and Remissions policy.
The nursery does not make settling in sessions or staggered starts a condition of a child accessing their funding tat the nursery.
The nursery is open term-time in line with the whole school so a child may not be able to access thier full funding enetitlement if they join part way through the academic year.
Nursery Funding for 2 year olds (FF2)
The Nursery is registered under the Free for 2 Scheme which entitles eligible 2-year-olds to access up to 15 hours of free nursery education. Eligible 2-year-olds can access this funding from the full term after their 2nd birthday. A child can start part way through a school term if they are eligible and have not claimed their funding entitlement for the term elsewhere.
Funding for two-year-olds is offered in 3-hour blocks (8:45-11:45 or 12:15-15:15) and parents can flexibly choose up to 5 sessions to use their full 15 hours funding entitlement, depending on availability. If a parent would like their child to stay between 11:45-12:15 then this will be charged as a lunch club session, details can be found in our Charging and Remissions policy.
Two-year-olds are able to start nursery on fewer hours and increase their sessions up to the full 15 hour entitlement over time to support settling in and their personal well-being.
The Nursery only provides space for up to four 2-year-olds per session, so spaces are limited.
Additional sessions can also be accessed depending on availability in the Nursery. Please see our Charging and Remissions policy for prices.
The nursery is open term-time in line with the whole school so a child may not be able to access their full funding entitlement if they join part way through the academic year.
The nursery does not accept children under the age of 2-years-old.