


Year 3 visit Sandwich Bird Observatory

Today the children in Year 3, the Butterfly and Dragonfly class visited Sandwich Bird Observatory.

They learnt about the different insects living in this beautiful conservation area. The children were taught about how to protect the delicate balance of wildlife. The amazing staff and volunteers planned some amazing activities and brought learning to life. 

The children had lots to share when they returned to school:

Alby- It was very fascinating to learn about the habitats of different species like grass snakes and moles.

Oscar- I liked the slow worms because they looked like a snake.

Lucian- I really liked seeing the lizard

George- I enjoyed learning about the wildflowers.

Eva- I liked finding out new things and seeing animals I've never seen before in their habitats.

Kyle- Flowers have pretty petals so bees and other animals can spot them to pollinate them.

Kynan- I liked doing the challenges because they were interesting

Jacob- I caught three cardinal beetles!

Freddie- So I found out a fact about buttercups, some are poisonous and they trick animals into eating them.

Nancy- I enjoyed everything!



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